Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Promoting The Philippine School via #MediaWorld

            We, Broadcasting Media Department, has finalized a plan for the launching event due. This event is held to promote our client - The Philippine School, Dubai. In promoting the school, we are tasked to think of a plan that could be executed on the day itself. A plan that does not only involve “creating” but also an “engaging and interacting" product.  By this idea, we are proposing an Art Gallery Themed Event located on the ICT Lab of the school.
An Art Gallery is an exhibition, promoting arts to potential collectors and the press by hosting an opening (Susan, 2018). People usually go inside to walk around , interpret the art, take pictures of it or but them but our proposed theme is not the usual Art Gallery that you think of. We have designed a new unique way to deliver the message to our client’s potential customers that the best school to enroll their child is The Philippine School, Dubai.
To make this Art Gallery Themed Event possible, we divided our department into 2 teams consisting of team A and Team B. Team A members are Irish Ching, Samantha Ablo, Danielle Limbauan and Angelico Acha while Team B includes Paul Bolanos, Andrei Almazan, Shania Murillo, Victor Cera and Lorenz Lomibao. Team A is assigned to do the photography part, which includes the photographs, editing and designing of each picture captured that will be placed on Art Gallery. While Team B is assigned to do the videography part, which includes the videos, editing and designing of each videos captured that will be programed to each pictures made. Basically, the arts that will be placed on the Art Gallery are pictures photographed by our team.
Each team has decided to capture 9 pictures & videos that tells a story about The Philippine School. The 1st picture would be the school front and the 1st video programmed to this picture would be a TPS advertisement. The first video will play for 3 minutes and the rest will play for 30 seconds. On the other hand, the rest of the pictures and videos would be something about “TPS has students that excel in academics”,” TPS is a bully- free environment” , “TPS has great school structure”, “TPS has great relationship and connection with the top universities in the Philippines”, “TPS has the best of the best teachers”, “TPS has friendly and approachable staffs”, “TPS is a school that teaches a set of universal Moral Values” and the last part would be a formal TPS catchy video.
The uniquenes of this Art Gallery is that it includes Augmented Reality Platform (A.R.), The Aurasma, now called HP Revealed. This A.R. is a type of interactive, reality-based display environment that takes the capabilities of computer display, sound, text and effects to enhance the user's real-world experience (techopedia) so the videos captured by Team B will be shown on each picture captured by Team A. To make this easy for you to understand, you can ream more about Aurasma/Hp Reveal on and
Imagine yourself, being our guest, going to the ICT lab, looking at a clean Art Gallery themed room- Full of pictures, registering your name for assistance , and walking around with other guests and one of our team member assist you. He/She bring out an Ipad, turning the camera on and placing it in front of a picture with a school front and a TPS advertisement video played, after the video He/she explained and this happens until the last video. Isn’t amazing? 

Six Word stories #21stCenturyLiterature

"You Give. They Take. You're Empty "
"One Day, Bang bang! The End."
" "Wrong number", said a Familiar voice. "

Types of Media #MediaWorld

Image result for types of media

If you are ever wondering what are the types of media, this is the best blog for you to read. 
But before we confuse ourselves, Let us know first what is a Media? A Media is the plural form of medium, which broadly speaking, describes any channel of communication( Techopedia) Now what are the types of Media? There are 3 types of Media: Print Media, Broadcast Media and New Media.

1. Print Media
- it is the printed version of telling the news.
Consumption of knowledge or information in that form involves something that the reader toucher or holds such as books, letters magazines, journals and other printed materials. 
- Before the invention and widespread use of printing presses, printed materials had to be written by hand. It was a painstaking process that made mass distribution impossible.

2. Broadcast Media 
- is the airborne transmission of electromagnetic audio signals (radio) or audio visual signals (television) that are readily accessible to a wide population via standard receivers. It is is crucial instrument of modern social and political organization. Examples of these are radios, televisions and film.  
- Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS) provides the viewer with a personal antenna cable of bypassing closed circuits systems to capture satellite signals. 
- Fees and subscription leads to narrow casting, which is a transmission to a specific group rather than to the general public 

3. New Media
- New media's asset is the Internet. with the advent of Internet, broadcasting is never the same again. 
-media convergence is the collaborations between consumer online services and broadcast media . Convergence will eventually lead to the fusion of all forms of media, resulting in the creation of an entirely new medium

Ps: Photos are not mine, credits to the rightful owner.
Copyright infringement is not intended.

Promoting The Philippine School via #MediaWorld

            We, Broadcasting Media Department, has finalized a plan for the launching event due. This event is held to promote our cli...